Disposable World Series

Disposable World Series is a show/idea/installation/conversation  years in the making, collections, piles and bags, boxes, containers, and tiny collections of old things collecting.  With an open mind and creative intentions, really seeing each piece of trash, in its entirety, asking the question over and over, “Is it really trash or has its use simply changed?”  For some materials, objects and products the next use is obvious, while for others one really needs to consider, how can I possibly use this again?  Use this again differently and can I in fact use it again at all?  Unfortunately most of the time things are simply done, done, done.  
So this is the world of a recycle artist, really its plagues my mind, it fills my house with ‘stuff’, stuff I want to see used and reconsidered important.  But seriously what do you do with?
What can one do with left over party decorations?  Pieces of drier venting?  Old party trays – Pieces of broken plastic and metal fencing?????  Packaging plastic, used bubble wrap, Styrofoam packaging,  -Used string, broken t-light parts ???

check this project out on Facebook .. where it was documented as part of our 5th show at the studio.
